Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Activity  2 ( HIGH  ARCHIEVER)

cupfuls,glassfuls, small bottle

Lemon juice,ladlefululs,glassfuls,teaspoonfuls

A bottle of water

Criteria of these teaching aids 
  • Easy to prepare
  • The student  can see, can touch and they can spell it cleary
  • Economical

Tearching And Learning  Activities ( For Higher achiever)


Measure Volume Of Liquids Using Non-standard Unit

Measured, volume, capacity, non- standard units.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be
  1. Able  to measure and compare volume of liquild by using non-standard unit correctly
 Learning   Objective :
Measure and compare volumes of liquid by direct comparison and by using uniform non standard units.

A large bottle jug, Cupfuls,Spoonfuls, Glassfuls,Small bottle, 
Lemon Juice, Spoonful, Glassfuls

  1. Divide the class into 2 group of 4 students. Student give the name to their group. Student do work in their cooperative learning.
  2. Teacher prepare different two set containers:
  • Set A: 1 bottle jug, 1 cupfuls, 1spoonfuls,  1 glassfuls, 1 small bottleSet
  • Set B: Lemon juice,  1 spoonful, 1 glassfuls, 1 teaspoonfuls
     3. Appoint one pupils  in the group to be recorder.
     4. Teacher asks the pupils to pour the juice and water into a difference containers to see how many
         each  hold.
     5. The student estimate the number of cups needs to contain all the water in the bottle of water and
          lemon  juice.
     6.  The students fill the bottle to check their estimate.

     7. Have the pupils record their findings in the following table:
          Group  A:


Small bottle  




Cups of waters

Group  B:




Small glassful


Cups of waters

   8. Instruct the pupils to arrange the capacity of the five containers in ascending order.
   9. Student write in sentences statement below:
       Group A:
  • The volume of  water in the bottle water is the same as the capacity of _________small bottle. 
  • The volume of  water in the bottle water is the same as the capacity of _________cupful
  • The volume of  water in the bottle water is the same as the capacity of _________glassful.
Group B:
  • The volume of lemon juice in the bottle  is the same as the capacity of _________spoonful. 
  • The volume of  lemon juice in the bottle water is the same as the capacity of _________ladlefululs.
  • The volume of  lemon juice in the bottle water is the same as the capacity of ________small glassful.

For these activities,  pupils  may know the non-standard unit used to measured the volume of liquid are flaskfuls.  Pupils also will bear in mind  that the volume wiln'l be determind based on the containers  used.
Pupils also release that the difference containers may have the same capacity. Pupils also may know can't make the decision on length of the containers used

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